On the 22nd February 1964 the Hicoey and the Acorn Club visited The Royal Albert Dock to look round MS Uganda.
Hicoey & Acorn Club members on SS Uganda
Organised by Michael Barton, seen peering from the rear.
2 Replies to “Trip to MS Uganda 1964 & Some St Augustine Posts”
Message for Mike Kent long time since I last posted 2016!
Sorry life went through a bad patch my 30 year old daughter died suddenly Easter Sunday 2016 of Meningitis glad I have lots of friends at Church and others who helped me through. Good to see some other contributions. You asked about being in touch with others I passed links onto Michael Leadbeater who was a Catholic priest near Birmingham at Aldridge he recently retired and keeps the picture of the camps in his study. He came to faith through Tony Betts back in the 1960’s. Also good friends with John Beddoes who is on some of the pictures in touch over the last few years with Anna Mundy and Yvonne Hasler on the fancy dress pic you posted she is a retired headmistress down on the South Coast have link on facebook and occasional pics of Grandchildren etc. Very interested in contacts with Dennis Ryder he was the driving force behind massive Youth Club at St Augustine’s over 250 regular members. He was a great influence on me during my Youth and he had open house for all teenagers and all their problems back in the 1960’s. Went To St Augustines 100th Anniversary way back when and he and Tony were both there! Yvonne had close links with you guys and shared some stories with me a few years back! I recognise many faces but not all the names guy from Higham looks a bit like me! Went on Pilgrimage to Iona with Francis Coxon and Lynda two boys two girls! Plus two youth leaders arrived at Beach to put up tent but other car had got lost in Glasgow camped up eventually illegally on Prince Charles’s Beach. Said Duchy of Cornwall no Camping. Was always a bit of a rebel.
I helped out with the advanced party putting the Tents up last two camps remember the welsh one very well a bit older by them we walked 6 miles to a pub to celebrate putting all the tents and Marquees up. Tony gave us a wry look as we were very late to get back after dark!! Everyone else arrived the next day!
Bye for now blessings! Charlie. So many happy memories!
Good to hear from you Charlie but very sad to learn of the news of your daughter. Since I receive few posts (as you can see) I only check this blog every month or so but here I am replying to you after only one day.
The link between our youth clubs came via St Margaret’s church in Rochester where Dennis and Mike Barton were originally members of the youth club there. Mike is still alive and best described as 86 going on 35. He so full of life that his French wife 48 years can become quite exasperated with him. I drive over to Higham about once a quarter, pick up Mike and we go to have dinner in a pub with the ex-Hicoey folk who still live in the area plus a few other long-time Higham residents from St John’s. My sister still lives in Higham and is in the front row of the group about to depart from Higham for home in 1964. You will probably remember Ian Holiday but less likely Les Baker (1963 camp only) and Mark Leeson (never at camp but a regular visitor to Derby with us and well known to Von since he & I used to visit her at Teacher Training College in Canterbury.)
I met my wife via the link between our clubs since she was a member at St Peter’s Rochester. Since she is three years younger than me she was able to come on camp in 1967 when I was one of the junior leaders.
I also regularly meet up with George Saffrey (Rochester) who was at the Nolton Haven camp in 1964.
I am always pleased to post more of my photographs when there seems to be a demand.
Message for Mike Kent long time since I last posted 2016!
Sorry life went through a bad patch my 30 year old daughter died suddenly Easter Sunday 2016 of Meningitis glad I have lots of friends at Church and others who helped me through. Good to see some other contributions. You asked about being in touch with others I passed links onto Michael Leadbeater who was a Catholic priest near Birmingham at Aldridge he recently retired and keeps the picture of the camps in his study. He came to faith through Tony Betts back in the 1960’s. Also good friends with John Beddoes who is on some of the pictures in touch over the last few years with Anna Mundy and Yvonne Hasler on the fancy dress pic you posted she is a retired headmistress down on the South Coast have link on facebook and occasional pics of Grandchildren etc. Very interested in contacts with Dennis Ryder he was the driving force behind massive Youth Club at St Augustine’s over 250 regular members. He was a great influence on me during my Youth and he had open house for all teenagers and all their problems back in the 1960’s. Went To St Augustines 100th Anniversary way back when and he and Tony were both there! Yvonne had close links with you guys and shared some stories with me a few years back! I recognise many faces but not all the names guy from Higham looks a bit like me! Went on Pilgrimage to Iona with Francis Coxon and Lynda two boys two girls! Plus two youth leaders arrived at Beach to put up tent but other car had got lost in Glasgow camped up eventually illegally on Prince Charles’s Beach. Said Duchy of Cornwall no Camping. Was always a bit of a rebel.
I helped out with the advanced party putting the Tents up last two camps remember the welsh one very well a bit older by them we walked 6 miles to a pub to celebrate putting all the tents and Marquees up. Tony gave us a wry look as we were very late to get back after dark!! Everyone else arrived the next day!
Bye for now blessings! Charlie. So many happy memories!
Good to hear from you Charlie but very sad to learn of the news of your daughter. Since I receive few posts (as you can see) I only check this blog every month or so but here I am replying to you after only one day.
The link between our youth clubs came via St Margaret’s church in Rochester where Dennis and Mike Barton were originally members of the youth club there. Mike is still alive and best described as 86 going on 35. He so full of life that his French wife 48 years can become quite exasperated with him. I drive over to Higham about once a quarter, pick up Mike and we go to have dinner in a pub with the ex-Hicoey folk who still live in the area plus a few other long-time Higham residents from St John’s. My sister still lives in Higham and is in the front row of the group about to depart from Higham for home in 1964. You will probably remember Ian Holiday but less likely Les Baker (1963 camp only) and Mark Leeson (never at camp but a regular visitor to Derby with us and well known to Von since he & I used to visit her at Teacher Training College in Canterbury.)
I met my wife via the link between our clubs since she was a member at St Peter’s Rochester. Since she is three years younger than me she was able to come on camp in 1967 when I was one of the junior leaders.
I also regularly meet up with George Saffrey (Rochester) who was at the Nolton Haven camp in 1964.
I am always pleased to post more of my photographs when there seems to be a demand.