Yes, we appeared to have favoured a pirate theme for 1964. Once again we never heard mention of a prize for anything. Still, it was the taking part that mattered.

From left to right, Margaret George, Patricia Maple, Rachel Nott (standing), Mike Kent, Barbara Britten, Julie King, Anton Britten, Phil Leeson,Sue Kent. In the front Malc Redsell & Jon Bardoe.
The Higham W.I with their new Rock Band the “With Its” (W.I. ;geddit?).
Beatie Baker (what an appropriate name!) in the foreground with Vera Clark on her left. My Mother Joan on banjo (no way was she borrowing my guitar for this – so she had to make do with my old banjo). So it was more of a folk-rock group.
Miss Higham 1965 was Lorraine Addicott. Note the dodgy pond made from aluminium foil. Now who was the Runner-Up in attendance?
No need to be in any special organisation to enter the carnival. Just coming from Lower Higham was odd enough.
A touch of glamour from the British Uralite (probably). I hope she wasn’t too dusty.
Who’s that peering out of the window of the shed or pig sty? He might be able to explain who had entered this float. As if we cared.
Miss Higham 1966 was Carole Feast. Here with the winner in 1965 (Lorraine Addicott) and err. someone else. I might have forgotten her name but she was a real beauty. As were all the entrants at the Miss Higham Dance in the Memorial Hall, as I recall.
Junior Youth Club leaders, Michael Barton & John Bardoe on their float. The topic was, well, confusing.
1967Miss Higham: June Gammon
Runners-Up: Sue Kent & Sally White