Higham Memorial Hall November 1962, where Club members presented their hobbies to, well whoever turned up, I suppose. Probably, their parents. Quite a lot of them no doubt had a genuine interest in fishing but Rachel Nott, Margaret George, Christine Gundry & Carole Winslade appear to be more interested in being in the photograph than anything else. Photograph taken by Club Leader, Michael Barton.
The chaps, L to R Anton Britten, X Newton, Bob Clark, Dave Green, John Bartholemew.
Inside The Church Institute in Villa Road in 1963. Note the latest dance craze.
Later in 1963, a party a Les’s house. Phil Leeson, Margaret George, some lucky chap buried under there, Les Baker, Carole Winslade, Patricia Leicester (now Trisha Baker), Roger Hislop.