
Well here we are again in 2024. This WordPress blog has been going many years now but still attracts the occasional newcomer. It is rare for a female to post anything; one assumes they’re too preoccupied with grandchildren or too busy creating bucket lists. It seems likely that chaps tend to reflect more on the past and are less likely to live so much in the present.

The site was established and is still managed by me, Mike Kent, previously of Higham and subsequently of various other places but currently of Haslemere.

Below each series of photographs you should find the comments of various visitors. Not many to be sure but greatly valued nevertheless; by me at least.

If you leave a comment, I might be motivated to add some more photographs, which might even feature you.

Most photographs can be enlarged by clicking them.

All photographs remain the copyright of Michael John Kent but all former members of any of the youth clubs mentioned in this blog, or anyone personally mentioned in the text, or anyone interested in the history of Higham village or the surrounding area are free to take copies for their own private use.

St Augustines Youth Fellowship

Please click on photograph to enlarge this shot of the finale of Puss In Boots..

Taken in January 1966 along with many more.

These were taken without the aid of a flash gun or any high intensity lamps. So how was it done in the days before digital media?

St Augustine’s Youth Fellowship, Derby. Annual Pantomime

13_30289 17_30293Make up. All very professional.


Clotilde – Janet Stone


The Chorus Girls

Mandrake – Michael Leadbeater.


Jason – Jane Elkington & Whiskey his Cat – Anne-Marie Munday



Finally the Sing-along.

Back in 1965

Frankie Coxon in Make-up.

Ugly Sisters (Mick Wright & Harry Hanshaw)

Thelma thinking about?