
Well here we are again in 2024. This WordPress blog has been going many years now but still attracts the occasional newcomer. It is rare for a female to post anything; one assumes they’re too preoccupied with grandchildren or too busy creating bucket lists. It seems likely that chaps tend to reflect more on the past and are less likely to live so much in the present.

The site was established and is still managed by me, Mike Kent, previously of Higham and subsequently of various other places but currently of Haslemere.

Below each series of photographs you should find the comments of various visitors. Not many to be sure but greatly valued nevertheless; by me at least.

If you leave a comment, I might be motivated to add some more photographs, which might even feature you.

Most photographs can be enlarged by clicking them.

All photographs remain the copyright of Michael John Kent but all former members of any of the youth clubs mentioned in this blog, or anyone personally mentioned in the text, or anyone interested in the history of Higham village or the surrounding area are free to take copies for their own private use.

Summer Camps 1962 to 1967

Camp 1962 at Chideock in Dorset


Camp 1963 at Chideock once again


September 1963

Weekend Exercise for Geoff Allen, Jack Watson, Roger “Wodi” Millgate & Pat Driscol.

Photographs by Michael Barton.


Roger Millgate,Geoff Allen, Jack Watson, Mike Kent & Pat Driscoll



Tents at weekend camp.

Camp 1964 Nolton Haven


There was no professional photographer engaged this year so I volunteered to take the group photograph on an Agfa Isolette (2.5 inch square negative). I printed up whole-plate copies but they received a rather mixed reception. Campers mostly came from Higham, Rochester, St Augustines, Derby and St Stephen’s, Coventry.

Helen Perry, Lynn Elkington, Frankie Coxen, Anna-Marie Munday & A.N.Other receiving briefing from Ralph Weller from Higham.


The Rider Family- Dennis, Pat, Sarah & pet. Now why would one call that dog Shaggy?


Ricky Channing


Was it really that warm at Nolton Haven in 1964?


Ian Holiday. Just look at all that hair!


Ian insisted on taking my photograph as well. Umm. Just look at all that hair!

1964 Reunion at Higham



Camp 1965 Cei Bach


My photograph again. Taken on a new 35mm camera. Still a stretch for such a small negative.


The Bullying (all in good fun, what?)




The Chores


The Beach


The Bank


The Childish Behaviour.


The clear blue sky.

The unreliable transport.


The Restaurant


The Romance


O.K. Until my girlfriend arrives tomorrow from Higham. Lynn Elkington & Ian Holiday share an embrace (at Ian’s request).

Camp 1966 Borrowdale. A much smaller affair for the Junior Clubs.


This one taken by me again, this time sheltering from the rain.

Hunt The Nark. Team Members disguised themselves and hid in the vicinity from the campers. None of the young campers failed to spot me as a hunch-backed old woman but I fooled numerous hill walkers who were mightily surprised to see me vault a gate when I came to one. I have seldom laughed so much.

A particularly good photograph of Tony Betts on the far right, next to Jennie Faulkner & Von Hasler. Paddy Langham didn’t really need to dress up in that old mackintosh; he dressed weirdly enough anyway. Then there is Leslie Channing and Chris Wiles. I cannot remember Ivor’s (far left) surname, nor the names of the other four people.

Camps 1967 Nolton Haven again

No group photograph so just a sample of single shots:


Val Hasler in front of mysterious barn.


Jane Elkington & Hilary Armitage at the local laundrette.


Me (Mike Kent) in pullover knitted by my Gran. Possibly for someone else.


Super elegant Paddy Langham. (See what I mean?)


Chris Wiles


Dental hygiene in the luxury washroom. What a lovely flat field for a camp site and what a nice bracing wind. (1967). Michael Barton & John Bardoe.



Hicoey Evening Events


Higham Memorial Hall November 1962, where Club members presented their hobbies to, well whoever turned up, I suppose. Probably, their parents. Quite a lot of them no doubt had a genuine interest in fishing but Rachel Nott, Margaret George, Christine Gundry & Carole Winslade appear to be more interested in being in the photograph than anything else. Photograph taken by Club Leader, Michael Barton.

The chaps, L to R Anton Britten, X Newton, Bob Clark, Dave Green, John Bartholemew.



Inside The Church Institute in Villa Road in 1963. Note the latest dance craze.



Later in 1963, a party a Les’s house. Phil Leeson, Margaret George, some lucky chap buried under there, Les Baker, Carole Winslade, Patricia Leicester (now Trisha Baker), Roger Hislop.


Our favourite group-Chris & The Breakaways

Gravesend’s answer to The Beatles. Voted second best band in Gravesend in 1963. So still a lot to do before that recording contract & tour of the USA.

From a studio shoot of the band I did with the assistance of Sara Morgan & Ian Holliday in 1964.

The key members, Chris, Bob and Clive were all, like me, from the Gravesend Technical High School for Boys. The High bit was added to last year we were there. We might have preferred to have attended the Gravesend Technical High School for Girls but sadly we were not given this choice. Sara was from the Girls’ Tech.


The band in 1964

Roger Cramp. Lead Guitar.


Bob Ellis. Bass Guitar.

 I won a photographic competition with this one.


Chris Easdown. Vocals


Doug Toulson. Rhythm Guitar


Clive Davies. Percussion

Dance in Higham Memorial Hall on Saturday 21st March 1964.

On this occasion we paid the band £8 and made £11 for the Club’s funds.

This was the last time we could afford this band and from then on it was the Alfabeats (the who?) and later the Aftermath (who might have been the Alfabeats by another name)..


The arrival of the some fans. Or those with nothing better to do. Sara Morgan looking most becoming & rather oriental, Anton expressing his high regard for the photographer in his usual manner, John Bardoe (au centre), Malc Redsell and Don Walker on suicide ladder to mezzanine (but we had ever heard that word back then). On the far right Tony Bracey who would in the future join the band as The Toys, playing keyboard. Tony used to give me piano tips at his home in Napier Road during lunch breaks. I adapted these for the Harmonium (err?). I switched to guitar when the folk revival came along and became Higham’s answer to Ralph McTell. A very poor answer perhaps, but an answer nevertheless. I still play at least one of my guitars every week but it’s very seldom folk these days.

With fans from Gravesend & villages.

In Higham Memorial Hall sitting  on the portable bar.

Clive Davies on drums.


Roger Cramp- lead guitar


If maracas are considered essential equipment by Mick Jagger, they’re going to be shaken by Chris. “Not Fade Away” perhaps?

 Let’s go back a bit….

First dance organised by Chris & me at Medway College, during our break, on my first day at college on Monday 16th September 1963. I have the diary to prove it.

Dance held on 26th September 1963. Who said modern life is speeding up?

Original bass player Ray Glover.


Ticket designed by me and reproduced by my Dad at work. He was the Chairman of the Memorial Hall Committee so we could get the hall at short notice and we paid nothing for it. This allowed us to pay the band the unheard of amount of £5.


Autographed ticket that was supposed to make my fortune. What happened guys?


A terrible photograph but it shows Higham Memorial for what it was; a over-sized Nissan Hut.


Have you finished that bass intro yet?

 21st December 1963

The next booking was for a Christmas Dance. Same place, same group, better camera.


Let’s take a closer look.Higham21Dec1963 2

Christmas 1963


You are not supposed to be snogging in the cloak cupboard. There’s a great band playing out there!!! Oh well, I suppose it is Christmas.


Fans on their way to see Chris & The Breakaways at Shorne Village Hall in December 1963.




Higham Carnivals 1964 to 1967

Yes, we appeared to have favoured a pirate theme for 1964. Once again we never heard mention of a prize for anything. Still, it was the taking part that mattered.

Higham Carnival 1964

From left to right, Margaret George, Patricia Maple, Rachel Nott (standing), Mike Kent, Barbara Britten, Julie King, Anton Britten, Phil Leeson,Sue Kent. In the front Malc Redsell & Jon Bardoe.


The Higham W.I with their new Rock Band the “With Its” (W.I. ;geddit?).

Beatie Baker (what an appropriate name!) in the foreground with Vera Clark on her left. My Mother Joan on banjo (no way was she borrowing my guitar for this – so she had to make do with my old banjo). So it was more of a folk-rock group.

04_33633Miss HighamOnFloat1965

Miss Higham 1965 was Lorraine Addicott. Note the dodgy pond made from aluminium foil. Now who was the Runner-Up in attendance?


No need to be in any special organisation to enter the carnival. Just coming from Lower Higham was odd enough.


A touch of glamour from the British Uralite (probably). I hope she wasn’t too dusty.


Who’s that peering out of the window of the shed or pig sty? He might be able to explain who had entered this float. As if we cared.



Miss Higham 1966 was Carole Feast. Here with the winner in 1965 (Lorraine Addicott) and err. someone else. I might have forgotten her name but she was a real beauty. As were all the entrants at the Miss Higham Dance in the Memorial Hall, as I recall.


Junior Youth Club leaders, Michael Barton & John Bardoe on their float. The topic was, well, confusing.




1967Miss Higham: June GammonRunners-Up: Sue Kent & Sally White


Hunch Magazine

Higham had a youth magazine for short while thanks to Michael Barton who for a short period enlisted the help of a fellow called Tom Parry who lived for a short while in St John’s Road. I recall him because I went o his house to  interview Barbara Britten and he gave us orange squash in jam jars because he had packed all his glasses ready to move away.

This allowed the more literate to show off their skills as this article by Les Baker illustrates; this one being ostensibly aimed at explaining the phenomenen of Mods & Rockers to a bemused older generation.

Double click the frame below to enlarge:

An article by Les Baker in Hunch Magazine 1964


The Hicoey had strong links with other youth clubs.

Staring (in order of appearance) Margaret Dakin, Ann Murden, Janet Stone, Peter Jones, Trevor Bausor, Alan Cook, Jane Elkington, Anna-Marie Munday, Christine Salt, Brian Reeves, Harry Hanshaw, Lesley Clayton, Caroline Timmins, Lynne Milner, John Wightman, Michael Leadbeater with chorus of Joan Almey, Erika Davis, Sheila Ford, Ann Harrington, Caroline Timmins & Alison York.

St Augustines Youth Fellowship

Please click on photograph to enlarge this shot of the finale of Puss In Boots..

Taken in January 1966 along with many more.

These were taken without the aid of a flash gun or any high intensity lamps. So how was it done in the days before digital media?

St Augustine’s Youth Fellowship, Derby. Annual Pantomime

13_30289 17_30293Make up. All very professional.


Clotilde – Janet Stone


The Chorus Girls

Mandrake – Michael Leadbeater.


Jason – Jane Elkington & Whiskey his Cat – Anne-Marie Munday



Finally the Sing-along.

Back in 1965

Frankie Coxon in Make-up.

Ugly Sisters (Mick Wright & Harry Hanshaw)

Thelma thinking about?

Why would anyone be interested in this old stuff?

At the Institute
At the Institute

Back row: Ian Holliday, John Bardoe, Anton Britten, David Green, Malcolm Redsell, Steve Ditchburn, Phil Leeson.

Middle row: Geoff Allen, Jack Watson, unknown, Sue Kent, John Goldsmith, Carole Winslade.

Front row: Les Baker, Heather Hearn, Theresa Thomsett, Rachel Nott, Margaret George, Barbara Britten, Barbara Driscoll, Adrian Hearn, Pat Driscoll.

Well many wouldn’t be but you have landed on this site so you might just hold a passing interest.

Remarkably enough the Higham Village History Group is often interested in anything to do with this rather unexceptional Kentish village; even the antics of a few young people who can remember the 1960s better than anyone who was really cool at the time is supposed to.

I have a lot of photographs that some people might like to have on their screen saver to remind themselves of how wonderful they looked when they were teenagers. I will put various snaps on this site so long as I get a bit of feedback to reassure me that there is someone out there who is interested.

Mike Kent

Finally a document from the archives found by Anton Britten.


O.K.. So it’s not exactly an original idea.